October 4, 2017

Bog filters make creating wetlands easy

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Natural wetlands are a beautiful combination of water and plants. But what’s really amazing is all the work happening under those calm waters – and how Good Earth Water Gardens can create something similar in your yard.

How a wetland works

A wetland acts as kind of a biological filter. Think of it as a kidney for a body of water, filtering toxins and impurities. Naturally filtering plants help keep the water clean while rocks and gravel provide surface for beneficial bacteria to grow. The result is crystal-clear water.

These tranquil environments can seem like rare jewels – but they’re within reach for everyone. At Good Earth Water Gardens, we create low-maintenance wetland environments with bog filtration systems. A bog filter can be used with almost any space. And it works in tandem with plants, rock, and gravel to create a water feature that’s self-cleaning and stunning.

Here’s how it works. We place a long filter component – called a Centipede – along the bottom of the pond. The Centipede is connected to the Snorkel. These strategically placed tools are connected to a pump and covered with a layer of AquaBlox. This basically creates the engine for your wetland. On top of the AquaBlox, we place a layer of larger rock, topped by a layer of smaller gravel.

Water and plants in a bog

So where does the water come from? High-velocity water is discharged at the bottom of the bog. Our job is to slow that water down. The bog filter ensures the water flows up through the different layers. This reduces the speed of the water and lets sediments fall to the bottom so we can remove them. We also make sure all layers of the pond have oxygen by reintroducing rippling action on the surface. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, but a little movement improves water quality.

The key to wetland success is the plants. Their roots grow down into the gravel layers and create a balanced ecosystem. Plants purify the water and absorb toxic compounds. They’re also an important part of the bog food chain. Bacteria breaks down the waste from rotting plant matter, fish waste, and algae. The result of this process is more plant food. It’s totally the circle of life!

Does your pond need a wetland?

Smaller ponds don’t necessarily require a wetland. But for larger ponds with poor water quality or bodies of water that receive a lot of runoff, a wetland is a smart solution. It filters impurities and drastically improves water quality.

At Good Earth Water Gardens, we can create wetlands of any size or shape. These beautiful water features are self-sustaining and require very little maintenance. We suggest cleaning the pump about once a year. And as always, we can help make that happen.

 Wetlands highlight just how amazing our ecosystems are. And creating one in your yard is easier than you think. Reach out to Good Earth Water Gardens and we’ll be happy to visit with you about your options. Give us a call today at 913-749-8090, or contact us online.

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